New Designer?
We got a checklist for you.
To make the productions process as smooth as possible we have provided a new designer check list below.
What’s Your Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?
We don’t have minimum. Quantity reflects price. Units 5 and under is considered sampling. Is charged at hourly rate of $60 per hour.
Printing is similar under 10 units is sampling. Is charged at hourly rate of $60 per hour.
Yardage under 15 meters is sampling and is charged at hourly rate of $60 per hour.
What Services Do You Provide?
We are a fully integrated productions service offering everything from pattern making, all forms of garment productions, from knit woven. All types of screen printing including small and large placement printing as well as full table printing. We have also now installed full digital print capability.
What Are Some Useful Tips For Researching My Product?
Find some similar products that are already on the market and see if they offer any solutions to the problems you might face with your design. Look at how the garment is made, what it is made from, the labels, buttons and zips used and think about how that will inform the design of your product. Bring these things with you when you meet with us.
I’m A Bit Stumped. I Can’t Quite Make The Idea A Reality On Paper.
Find someone who can give you design advice. We can offer design advice at a fee of $60 an hour which you can make an appointment for.
Arrange An Appointment And Come And See Us!
We can provide approximate quotes and answer to any of your questions about how we can help make you product a reality!
What are your production limits?
We don’t have any limits to speak of, we can make everything from swimwear, children’s wear and tailoring. As well as streetwear and activewear.
What are your payment terms?
Our payment terms are very simple, 50% when placing the order and remaining 50% on completion of order.
What brands have you worked with in the past?
We have worked with brands such as Oroton, Aesop, P.A.M, Emily Watson, Bima Wear etc.
I have a great product in mind. But now I need to somehow get it made and I don’t know where to start. Can NMBQ help?
NMBQ has a wealth of experience working with a large variety of clients and products to make your design and production process with us as smooth as possible. We are happy to provide help to make your idea a reality.
What is your idea going to be made of?
Think very carefully about what fabric you need to make your product and where you can get it from. Do you need any trims, zips, elastic, buttons to make your product amazing? When you come and meet with us, bring everything with you.
Pattern making. Before a product can be sewn, a pattern needs to be made.
You can find your own pattern maker, or you can come to us. We offer pattern making at $80 an hour.
All prices above excluding GST
Any helpful tips to for getting my product out to the costumer?
Take some time to carefully consider your customer. Write down who you think your customer is. Think about their spending habits and how buying your product would fit into their lives and budgets.
How do I communicate my idea/design with NMBQ clearly?
Consider the best way to communicate your ideas/designs to us. Create a mood-board or mind-map. having the idea written down and in front of you can help you express it verbally more clearly.
I drew this design while on hold with Telstra, can NMBQ create a product.
Short answer is yes, but we recommend taking that drawing, and drawing 10 more pictures and choose the one you like the best. Draw it from the front, from the back, from the side. Draw as much detail as possible.
How do I make my drawings understandable?
You may know what that squiggly line next to the dot means, but to anyone else, it probably looks like a squiggly line and a dot, so put a neat little line and a few words saying what that thing is.
Care label, size pips and brand label.
You must include a care label on your garment that accurately lists the composition of the fabric used and how the user should wash and care for the product. You also need to state where the product was made, so if you are getting it made with us, you get to say Melbourne or Australia. The customer will need to know what size they are buying too, so think about the type of size pips you want. e.g., S M L or 8, 10, 12, 14 + others etc.
…So you have a great product in mind. But now you need to somehow get it made and you don’t know where to start…
NMBQ has a wealth of experience working with a large variety of clients and products. We recommend you read and consider the following points to make your design and production process with us as smooth as possible.
1. You have your idea. Take some time to carefully consider your customer. Write down who you think your customer is. Think about their spending habits and how buying your product would fit into their lives and budgets.
2. You now need to work out the best way to communicate your design to us. Try telling someone you trust about it first as practice.
3. Draw a picture. Draw 10 pictures and choose the one you like the best. Draw it from the front, from the back, from the side. Draw as much detail as possible.
4. Annotate your drawing. You may know what that squiggly line next to the dot means, but to anyone else, it probably looks like a squiggly line and a dot, so put a neat little line and a few words saying what that thing is.
5. Do some research. Find some similar products that are already on the market and see if they offer any solutions to the problems you might face with your design. Look at how the garment is made, what it is made from, the labels, buttons and zips used and think about how that will inform the design of your product. Bring these things with you when you meet with us.
6. You’re a bit stumped. You can’t quite make the idea a reality on paper. Find someone who can give you design advice. We can offer design advice at a fee of $60 an hour which you can make an appointment for.
7. What is your idea going to be made of? Think very carefully about what fabric you need to make your product and where you can get it from. Do you need any trims, zips, elastic, buttons to make your product amazing? When you come and meet with us, bring everything with you.
8. Pattern making. Before a product can be sewn, a pattern needs to be made. You can find your own pattern maker, or you can come to us. We offer pattern making at $80 an hour.
9. Care label, size pips and brand label. You must include a care label on your garment that accurately lists the composition of the fabric used and how the user should wash and care for the product. You also need to state where the product was made, so if you are getting it made with us, you get to say Melbourne or Australia. The customer will need to know what size they are buying too, so think about the type of size pips you want. e.g. S M L or 8, 10, 12, 14 + others etc.
10. Arrange an appointment and come and see us! We can provide approximate quotes and answer any questions about how we can help make your product a reality!